
Showing posts from March, 2018

Dear You, You Are Not A Number.

Dear Little Sisters, Dear Future Daughters, Dear Younger Me,      I wish there was a way I  could keep you from seeing the ads on television. From seeing the front covers of magazines in the check-out lane at the grocery store. I wish you never hear the word "diet" or "weight loss". And even more than that, I hope you never associate those words with "worthy". I hope you never look at the label on the back of your juice box or granola bar and ruminate on the numbers you see. I hope you never get introduced to photoshop and that you know that most of those Instagram pictures are so very, very fake. I hope you never go for a run thinking the whole time of how much weight you can lose. I hope you never feel like you are unloved. I hope you never have to question whether or not you have friends or if they really care about you.  And I pray to God above that you never reach a point where you look in the mirror and don't like what you see. Or don't r...