I (mostly) Hate Doctors
Today is National PTSD Awareness Day. The whole month of June is actually PTSD Awareness Month. I was diagnosed with PTSD when I was 15. It causes a lot of anxiety, panic attacks, flashbacks, paranoia, depression and was a large contributing factor to my eating disorder. I'm working on getting it under control. And in the past several months I have made a VAST improvement. But as soon as I saw that today was National PTSD Awareness Day, I knew I wanted to share an experience that I had 2 days ago. Ask just about anyone that knows me and they can attest to the fact that I absolutely ABHOR medical personnel; doctors, nurses, surgeons of any kind, except maybe a handful that I know personally. Monday I had 4 doctors appointments all back-to-back. I was scheduled to get an EKG, ultrasound, lab work, dexascan, xrays, an MRI, and a general follow-up exam. I got my labs done, my EKG, and my ultrasound done with only minor kin...