So The Ginger Is A Nerd (And So Is Her Whole Family)

     There is a total solar eclipse coming up here in a few weeks and my ENTIRE family (parents and 5 siblings) is driving over twelve hours to my place so we can have an eclipse party. Yup, you heard correct- an eclipse party. Where we spend all day making and eating solar-themed snacks, put on our best space-style outfits, and watch the eclipse with our totally on-trend Eclipse-Glasses (Safety is still a priority-even at a raging party like this). Please no hate for this, but the eclipse itself is not super impressive in my opinion. But the idea that a family throws a party for it? Well, it is unusual to say the least.
     My family is what could be considered "nerdy", although I like to use the term "education-oriented and socially lacking". It sounds more accurate. My parents house currently has 3 libraries: fiction, non-fiction, and media (movies, VHSs, CD's, vinyl, and the like). Add on top of that the 3 bookshelves in the living area dedicated to religious books, and the 2 allotted book-cases for each child in his/her bedroom. We're big readers. Most of my siblings and I could read at or before age 4 and we haven't been seen without a book in our hand since then. Going to the library was a treat and going to the bookstore was an exceptional reward. And contrary to many families today, having our reading time cut short, or our books taken away, was used as a punishment.
     And Nova. A weekly, hour-long science documentary on PBS every Wednesday night. We would make up a few bags of popcorn and sit and all watch Nova. It was one of the few things that the entire family would do together at home. But it was an unspoken non-negotiable. Be there for Nova. And while I'm on this topic, I might as well bring up another family-favorite of ours- America: The Story of Us. Over 12 hours of American history, commentary, and, CGI battle reenactments. A documentary mini-series brought to you by none other than The History Chanel. And my family watch the entire thing. Twice. As a recreational past-time.
    A common scenario;
    My sister (15 at the time)just getting home from work and saunters into the den to find out that our younger brother and sister (13 and 7) have started the next episode without waiting for her;
"Hey!! You guys KNEW I wasn't going to be home until 4;30. Why'd you start without me?!?!"
"Calm down. It's a DVD. You can rewind it and watch it later."
"Restart it now so we can all be at the same spot!"
"But the episode is almost over and besides, [older brother] has already finished this one PLUS he's halfway through the next one!"
     Not only did we watch it, we really enjoyed it and were upset when we missed out on it.
     I know a couple of my siblings would never proudly wear the "Nerd" crown, but I own up to it. I love math and science and history. I'll take a book over a movie any day and opt for a library or museum over a party or football game. I love to learn and my education has always been very important me.
      My parents definitely did something right to raise 6 kids who have the constant desire to be learning. It's a trait I hope to one day instill in my children. And hopefully, like me, they wear that "Nerd" badge with a head held high.


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