So The Ginger Likes Lists

     I absolutely love to make lists. I will make a list of what I need to accomplish today. I will make a list of my favorite pairs of socks. I will make a list of books to get at the bookstore or library. I will make a list of art projects to start (but ultimately never end up finishing).
     And even better is when I can check something off of a list. I bought vitamins-check! I swept the bathroom floors-check! Paid my insurance-check! It makes me feel so very accomplished.  And I'll admit, when I haven't done anything on my daily to-do list, on occasion I will write down something that I have already finished, just for the sake of being able to check it off. I know, I know- that is cheating, But it makes me feel better, alright?
     Today I have compiled a list of lists. Does it possibly get any better than this?!

     So without further ado-
16 Lists to Always Keep
1) To-Do lists. I keep a Daily, Weekly, and Monthly at minimum.
2) Goals! Short-term goals and long-term. And then if you feel so inclined, you can even list out the steps to take in order to achieve those goals!
3) Books to Purchase or Borrow. Or borrow and then purchase. Or purchase and then lend out. The choice is yours.
4) Music to Purchase or Download. Even though it's not 2002 anymore, I'm still a huge CD hoarder. However if I'm low on spending funds, I usually end up ripping it from Youtube (shhhhhh. Don't tell anyone). But you really need to keep a list so nothing gets forgotten. I even keep a pad of sticky notes in my car if I hear something good on the radio.
5) Shopping List. I just feel like this one is obvious. Write it down or you WILL forget it. I promise.
6) Things to Look-up/Research. Maybe it's just a new word you heard and you need the definition. Maybe a historical event you were unaware of. It could even be a place or a person (try to veer away from cyber-stalking though). I like to pull this list out when I am bored, or when I might otherwise just end up scrolling through Instagram. It keeps me learning new things instead of mindlessly refreshing my social media page every 30 seconds.
7) Items to Look-up and Order Online. Shopping List 2.0- if you will.
8) Gift Ideas. For family and friends and coworkers. Or yourself if that's your thing. It doesn't even have to be close to their birthday. Write it down anyway and when their birthday is closer, you won't end up in a panic about what to get them.
9) Books/Articles to Read. I add Scriptures to this as well. I write them down and I also save them to tabs on my phone and computer if that's an easier way to access them.
10) Home Improvement/DIY Projects. Painting the dresser. Re-tiling the bathroom. Making a cute new throw pillow you found on Pinterest. You get the idea.
11) Emergency Contacts. This is a good list to have. I keep one in my car, my wallet, and my day-planner. Just make sure your emergency contacts know that they are your emergency contacts, so that they're not thrown-off if they get a call. It's also a good idea to have more than one. Just to be one the safe side.
12 & 13) Prayer list. Most people don't write this down, but I like to so that I make sure I don't forget. If you're not the praying type, then go with a Gratitude List. I keep both.
14) Habits to Start/ Improve Upon. Maybe it's something like not biting your nails. Talking less and listening more. Putting the toilet seat down when you're finished doing your business. Being kinder to someone you may not necessarily be particularly fond of. It doesn't have to be huge. If it's something you want to be better about, write it down!
15) Calls to Make. Now for the most part,  I abhor making phone calls. I will talk to a few choice people. Or if I need to get information quicker than they would reply to a text, or if it's urgent. But things like wishing your grandmother a Happy Birthday warrants a phone call over a text. Scheduling a doctor's appointment. Sometimes it just has to be done.
16) Similarly- Cards and Letters to Write and Mail. I'm a big card person. I love making and mailing them out. I believe it's because I enjoy receiving cards and notes and letters, and so I feel like most people would as well. It makes for a good day when you get a note in your mailbox instead of bills and other crap. It's even better when it's not expected.

     And there you have it- a list of lists! I might come up with more as time goes on, but this seems pretty good for now.
Let me know if there's anything you'd add or change!


  1. I like keeping 3 types of goals: Daily goals (things that are consistent): prayer, write a blog posts(maybe weekly), go on a run, eat veggies. one-time goals: Start my Blog, Start my podcast, Read this Book.. and Other goals (more like a normal goals lists): develop habits, build skills, make choices, graduate school, learn how to sew, create a new product, get new friends.


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