So The Ginger Started A Blog

     I am a writer. One look around my room, in my backpack, my nightstand, my work locker, my bathroom  mirror, or any other area I happen to waltz through, makes that fact very clear. Scattered scrap paper scribbled with semi-coherent sentences. Dozens of notebooks, journals, legal pads, composition books- half-full or bursting to the seams with poems, facts, thoughts, jokes, quotes, lists, memories, and ideas. Note cards. Sticky notes. So many sticky notes. Pens and pencils and markers and highlighters.
     Whenever I feel the need to write, I write. And often times I'll go back to the writings with absolutely no idea what point I was trying to make or remember. And sometimes I go back and laugh at their stupidity. Or stare in awe. Or cry. Or cringe. Or double over in laughter.
26 letters in the alphabet and they hold the power to be formed in millions of ways to make you think and feel millions of thoughts and feelings. That's freaking incredible.

     And today I figured it's time to share some of the things I write. I will warn you, this is not a "Topic" Blog. I am not planning on having a theme. My theme will be whatever I happen to want to write about that day. I guarantee you it will get sporadic and crazy and a little all over the place. But that's how I roll.
     Some days it might just be a list of the top 5 songs by The Fray and why they're the top 5. I might rant about the utter hell that is pants. Talk about why little brothers are the best. Or lay out in great detail all of the reasons why ginger locks are superior to all others. And sometimes I will talk about the more serious topics of life. Topics like religion and the importance it plays in my life. Mental and physical health. Or give my 2 cents on current events.
     But whatever it is, I hope you'll read it. I hope it makes you think and I hope it makes you feel.

     So sit back and enjoy my crazy.


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