
Showing posts from June, 2017

So The Ginger Is A Nerd (And So Is Her Whole Family)

     There is a total solar eclipse coming up here in a few weeks and my ENTIRE family (parents and 5 siblings) is driving over twelve hours to my place so we can have an eclipse party. Yup, you heard correct- an eclipse party. Where we spend all day making and eating solar-themed snacks, put on our best space-style outfits, and watch the eclipse with our totally on-trend Eclipse-Glasses (Safety is still a priority-even at a raging party like this). Please no hate for this, but the eclipse itself is not super impressive in my opinion. But the idea that a family throws a party for it? Well, it is unusual to say the least.      My family is what could be considered "nerdy", although I like to use the term "education-oriented and socially lacking". It sounds more accurate. My parents house currently has 3 libraries: fiction, non-fiction, and media (movies, VHSs, CD's, vinyl, and the like). Add on top of that the 3 bookshelves in the living area dedicated to r...

So The Ginger Likes Lists

     I absolutely love to make lists. I will make a list of what I need to accomplish today. I will make a list of my favorite pairs of socks. I will make a list of books to get at the bookstore or library. I will make a list of art projects to start (but ultimately never end up finishing).      And even better is when I can check something off of a list. I bought vitamins-check! I swept the bathroom floors-check! Paid my insurance-check! It makes me feel so very accomplished.  And I'll admit, when I haven't done anything on my daily to-do list, on occasion I will write down something that I have already finished, just for the sake of being able to check it off. I know, I know- that is cheating, But it makes me feel better, alright?      Today I have compiled a list of lists. Does it possibly get any better than this?!      So without further ado- 16 Lists to Always Keep 1) To-Do lists . I keep a Daily, Weekly, and M...

So The Ginger Started A Blog

     I am a writer. One look around my room, in my backpack, my nightstand, my work locker, my bathroom  mirror, or any other area I happen to waltz through, makes that fact very clear. Scattered scrap paper scribbled with semi-coherent sentences. Dozens of notebooks, journals, legal pads, composition books- half-full or bursting to the seams with poems, facts, thoughts, jokes, quotes, lists, memories, and ideas. Note cards. Sticky notes. So many sticky notes. Pens and pencils and markers and highlighters.      Whenever I feel the need to write, I write. And often times I'll go back to the writings with absolutely no idea what point I was trying to make or remember. And sometimes I go back and laugh at their stupidity. Or stare in awe. Or cry. Or cringe. Or double over in laughter. 26 letters in the alphabet and they hold the power to be formed in millions of ways to make you think and feel millions of thoughts and feelings. That's freaking incredibl...